Artist by Nature, Books by Design

everything is better in a book
On the shelf

“Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.” – William Feather

June 2, 2017
Just a few books on the shelf

Adieu MyPublisher, it was the best of times, it was occasionally confusing times, but you and I made histories together and I will always be grateful for our shared experience.

I will leave reviewing to reviewers and just say, despite learning curves and typical graphic designer frustrations when working with clunky (yet cutting edge!) technology, MyPublisher took photo book making to a new level of quality and affordability.

Thought I’d share some projects I did using this company as a farewell to them.

My latest book project was for my Aunt who invited me to Denver last year. She is a get-up-and-go kind of gal and exploring with her was a (well organized) blast. We sought adventure on mountain tops and city streets, memorials, art galleries, art therapy studios, Gardens of the Gods, Lutheran church services, and a few good restaurants. (Although I think we ate just as well at home. We are alike in our panache for frugal grocery store excursions turning into not just one meal, but breakfast and lunch the next day and even a re-imagined dinner or two after that.)

Note the photo of both of us on the summit of Pikes Peak. Photoshop skills come in handy when you can’t find someone to take a photo for you.
Haiku on back cover: “Radiant sun shines through thin, blue skies, filling us with new energy”

The most helpful lessons I learned about making books for clients happened while creating a vacation book for a (well humored and extremely patient) good friend. She and her family are world travelers and they really know how to do it right. I felt like I was traveling with them while working on her book.

“Little by little, one walks far” Peruvian proverb

My first ever book project with MyPublisher was for a trip I was fortunate enough to take with my dad and brother in 2014. I made it way too big however. Turns out 15″ x 11.5″ doesn’t fit easily on a shelf. But, it was such a big trip in my life that I think I needed the book to feel big too. I still look through it regularly. I mean, who gets to travel with their 70 year old dad and basically only see the back of his head because he’s always several paces ahead of you? Who gets to watch Hamlet at the Globe Theater and Richard the IV part 1 at the Royal Shakespeare Company with two dudes who read EVERY WORK SHAKESPEARE WROTE? Who gets to drink Leffe Ruby in Paris as the sun sets or spend a day with over 90 VanGogh paintings? I will never forget the grand and glorious time we three spent together. Nor will I have to with this book.

These aren’t the only books I’ve created through this book maker, but they are some of my favorites. Nature abhors a vacuum according to Aristotle and so it goes that there is no shortage of photo book companies to take it’s place. I’ll showcase my new favorite next week.

Kinda makes you want to see that trip you took a few years ago in print doesn’t it? Or maybe you’re traveling this summer and would love a quick turn around on getting it off your devices and into your hands sans blue screen.

I’d be honored to work with you.